Saturday, October 5, 2013

Dramatized Experiences ( Pageant, Socio-Drama, Role Play, Puppets)

Dramatized experiences

 Puppets can bring a new dimension to teaching and provide teachers and students with a vibrant dynamic way to communicate and express ideas, information, literature, and feelings. Puppets make a strong link to literacy and social skills. Puppets can provide a way to assess student learning and how much students have internalized what they have been taught or read.   Students express what they know about a situation, a character, a piece of literature, an area of science or social studies and most important they express something about themselves. By observing students work with puppets, educators can assess student progress in the above areas.  

(i) Hand puppets  like finger puppets, sock puppets which fit in the hand like a glove and are operated from below by fingers.
(ii) Rod puppets and stick puppets which are operated from below the stage by a combination of rods and springs or sticks.
(iii) Marionettes or string puppets which are figures with moving limbs. These are operated from the above by means of strings.

(iv)  Shadow puppets – puppets created and shown via a flashlight or a bulb behind a screen. 


  1. this dramatized experiences will help students to improve their communication skills

  2. this kind of instructional material helps students in imagine how the story flow, because as it show in the puppet show, it can help students to pay attention very well , because it gets the attention of the students
