Monday, October 7, 2013


What are Rubrics?

A rubric is a scoring tool for teachers that will guide the performance expectations for an assignment or piece of work thus providing consistency in evaluation. A rubric divides the assigned work into component parts and provides clear descriptions of the characteristics of the work associated with each component, at varying levels of mastery. Rubrics can be used for a wide array of assignments: reseach papers, projects, oral presentations, artistic performances, group works, etc. Rubrics can be used as scoring or grading guides, to provide formative feedback to support and guide ongoing learning efforts, or both.

Advantages of using Rubrics:

Rubrics are great for students: they let students know what is expected of them, and demystify grades by clearly stating, in age-appropriate vocabulary, the expectations for a project. They also help students see that learning is about gaining specific skills (both in academic subjects and in problem-solving and life skills), and they give students the opportunity to do self-assessment to reflect on the learning process.

Rubrics also help teachers authentically monitor a student's learning process and develop and revise a lesson plan. They provide a way for a student and a teacher to measure the quality of a body of work. When a student's assessment of his or her work and a teacher's assessment don't agree, they can schedule a conference to let the student explain his or her understanding of the content and justify the method of presentation.Then the rubric scores can either be averaged or added together for a final score.

How can we design rubrics for certain lessons/topics?

Bryan Goodwin and Elizabeth Ross Hubbell's new book The 12 Touchstones of Good Teaching: A Checklist for Staying Focused Every Day includes a chapter on how to clarify performance expectations for students. Rubrics are an essential tool for delineating the criteria that distinguishes between novice and mastery-level work. Here are a few brief guidelines Goodwin and Hubbell recommend for creating rubrics, as well as a list of online tools to support your work:

  • Identify the proficient level first. In a four-tier rubric, we recommend that teachers identify level 3 of the rubric first. This level is an acceptable score and shows proficiency at performing the task or understanding the content.
  • Build the rest of the rubric around proficiency. From this point, building the remainder of the rubric is fairly easy: a 1 shows minimal understanding or performance; a 2 shows some understanding/performance but with significant gaps; and a 4 shows an advanced level of understanding or performance.
  • Focus on growth. Finally, we recommend that if you use a 0 at all, it should state "Not enough evidence at this point to assess understanding." This way, even scoring at the lowest level of the rubric sends students the message that their level of performance can be improved.


A blog by Andrew Miller on Edutopia gives great suggestions for how to work with rubrics

Some online tools to make rubrics are:

Rubrics for teacher:

Samples of rubrics:


Grading for Class Participation

A (18-20 points)

B (16-17 points)

C (14-15 points)



Attends class regularly and always contributes to the discussion by raising thoughtful questions, analyzing relevant issues, building on others’ ideas, synthesizing across readings and discussions, expanding the class’ perspective, and appropriately challenging assumptions and perspectives

Attends class regularly and sometimes contributes to the discussion in the aforementioned ways.
Attends class regularly but rarely contributes to the discussion in the aforementioned ways.

Attends class regularly but never contributes to the discussion in the aforementioned ways.


Blogging Project Rubric
Student Name:                                         Course/Section:                                  No. of posts/entries:                               
Strong 4
Proficient 3
Developing 2
Beginning 1
Ideas and Content
Blog entries contain substantial information for the reader. Author displays knowledge of the topic. Ideas are original. Asked questions for reader to comment.
Blog entries contain moderate amount of information for the reader. Author displays some knowledge of the topic. Some ideas are original. Asked at least 2  question for readers to comment.
Blog entries contain little information for the reader. Author does not display much knowledge of the topic. Few ideas are original. 1 question was asked for commenting.
Blog entries contain little information, are not original and show little evidence of knowledge about the topic. No questions were asked for commenting.
Writing Quality
Posts are well written using Standard English. Thoughts are clearly expressed. Thoughts have evidence of supporting details  and contained  more than 1 link to support topics.  All Sources have been cited.

Some thoughts are clearly expressed. Some thoughts have evidence of supporting details  and with at least 1 link to support topic.

Most thoughts are not clearly expressed. Most thoughts do not have supporting evidence.Some sources cited.

The blog is unreadable. Thoughts are scattered and there are no supporting details provided. No sources cited.

Types of Posts
Author has included all of the seven required posts types:
A List Post, Answer a Question, Write a Review, Write a Link Post, Write a Tip Post Ask a Question, Tell a Story
Author is missing 1 of the required types of posts.
Author is missing 2 of the required types of posts.
Author is missing 3 or more of the required types of posts.
Author has successfully added a widget, an RSS subscription icon and three other gadgets to the poll. The gadgets support the ideas being expressed in the blog.
Author has successfully added a widget, an RSS subscription icon and three other gadgets to the poll. The gadgets do not support the ideas expressed in the blog.
Author is missing one of the required gadgets for the blog.
Author is missing 2 or more of the required gadgets for the blog.
Blog entries show an excellent command of Standard English. Capitals, punctuation and correct grammar are used consistently throughout the blog posts.
Blogs entries show a good command of Standard English. There are 1-2 missing capitals or punctuation errors. Some grammar errors exist.
Blog entries show a fair command of Standard English. There are more than 2 missing capitals or punctuation errors. Several grammar errors exist.
Blog entries show a poor command of Standard English. There are more than 7 missing capitals or punctuation errors. Many grammar errors exist making the blog difficult to read.
The author has shown a unique and creative style with this blog by customizing the layout, colors, pictures and gadgets to appeal to the reader.
The author has shown some creative style with this blog by customizing the layout, colors, pictures  and/or gadgets to appeal to the reader.
The author has shown little creative style with this blog. Some pictures,
Some efforts to customize the template are evident.
The author used the standard templates, no pictures  and made no efforts to customize the blog for the reader.


Rubrics for Group Reporting 
Group # __________ / Year & Sec _______________________________ 
Topic of Report: ______________________________________________                                                                                                       
1 point
2 points
3 points
4 points

 Score: __________
 Audience cannot understand the presentation because there is no sequence of information. 
 Audience has difficulty following the presentation because the reporters jump around in their discussion.
 Students present the information in logical sequence which the audience can follow.
 Students present the information in logical, interesting sequence which the audience can follow.

 Score: __________
 Majority of points briefly mentioned without explaining them in depth.
Many errors in the information and the audience does not learn anything new. 
 Most point covered adequately, but report does not go into detail and only makes general statements about the topic; with some errors in information.
 Majority of points covered in depth, but with few gaps. Information accurate and listeners gain insight and learn from the presentation.
 Addressed all required report elements; contained complete and detailed explanations that were easily understandable.

 Score: __________
 Students do not have grasp of information; students cannot answer questions about the subject. 
 Students are uncomfortable with the information and able to answer only rudimentary questions.
 Students are at ease with expected answers to all questions, but fail to elaborate.
 Students demonstrate full knowledge (more than required) by answering all questions with explanations and elaboration. 

Score: __________
 Visual aids unreadable or too crowded.  There’s too much or too little information to make the aids useless. 
 Visual aids are difficult to read.  There’s too much information, or some information is missing from the visual aids. 
 There is appropriate amount of information on the visual aids.
 Visual aids are well designed and had a neat and professional appearance; helped audience members understand.
 Score: __________
 Students use superfluous graphics or no graphics.
 Students occasionally use graphics that rarely support text and presentation.
 Students’ graphics relate to text and presentation.
 Students’ graphics explain and reinforce text and presentation.
 Score: __________
 Students mumble, incorrectly pronounce terms and speak too quietly for students in the back of the class to hear. 
 Students’ voice is low, incorrectly pronounce terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing the presentation. 
 Students’ voice is clear; correctly pronounce most words.  Most audience members can hear the presentation.
 Students use a clear and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear the presentation.
 Score: __________
 Students read all of report with no eye contact.
 Students occasionally use eye contact, but still read most of report.
 Students maintain eye contact most of the time but frequently return to notes.
 Students maintain eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes.

 Score: __________
 Students fail to engage the audience in their presentation.  The format used does not demonstrate creativity. 
 Students give a creative an engaging presentation, but its format does not complement the topic discussed.
 Students present relevant material in a creative and engaging manner most of the time.
 Students present relevant material in a creative and engaging manner all the time.

 Score: __________
 One person clearly dominates or did not contribute.
 It is apparent that there is an uneven distribution of effort among the group members.
 The group functioned well as a whole; the presentation is clearly a sum of its parts.
 Member shared equally in the preparation and presentation. There is good teamwork; the report clearly exceeds sum of parts. 

 Score: __________
 Students extend 11-20 minutes in order to complete the presentation.
 Students extend 5-10 minutes in order to complete the presentation.
 Students complete the presentation within a 5-minute extension.
 Students complete the presentation within the allotted 30 minutes.
 Total Score: _____/ 40_
Evaluator’s Name & Signature: ______________________________________________                 Date: _____________________


This rubric may be used for self-assessment and peer feedback.
 Creating a PowerPoint Rubric
Partially Proficient
Research and Note taking
3 points
Note cards indicate you accurately researched a variety of information sources, recorded and interpreted significant facts, meaningful graphics, accurate sounds and evaluated alternative points of view.
2 points
Note cards show you recorded relevant information from multiple sources of information, evaluated and synthesized relevant information.
1 point
Note cards show you misinterpreted statements, graphics and questions and failed to identify relevant arguments.
0 points
Note cards show you recorded information from four or less resources, did not find graphics or sounds, and ignored alternative points of view.
Pre Production Planning - Storyboard
3 points
The storyboard illustrates the slide presentation structure with thumbnail sketches of each slide including: title of slide, text, background color, placement & size of graphic, fonts - color, size, type for text and headings, hyperlinks (list URLs of any site linked from the slide), narration text, and audio files (if any). All slides are numbered, and there is a logical sequence to the presentation.
2 points
The thumbnail sketches on the storyboard include titles and text for each slide and are in sequential order.
1 point
The thumbnail sketches on the storyboard are not in a logical sequence and have incomplete information.
0 points
There a very few thumbnail sketches on the storyboard and do not provide an overview of the presentation.
3 points
The introduction presents the overall topic and draws the audience into the presentation with compelling questions or by relating to the audience's interests or goals.
2 points
The introduction is clear and coherent and relates to the topic.
1 point
The introduction shows some structure but does not create a strong sense of what is to follow. May be overly detailed or incomplete and is somewhat appealing to the audience.
0 points
The introduction does not orient the audience to what will follow.
The sequencing is unclear and does not appear interesting or relevant to the audience.
3 points
The content is written clearly and concisely with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information.
The project includes motivating questions and advanced organizers. The project gives the audience a clear sense of the main idea.
Information is accurate, current and comes mainly from * primary sources.
2 points
The content is written with a logical progression of ideas and supporting information.
Includes persuasive information from reliable sources.
1 point
The content is vague in conveying a point of view and does not create a strong sense of purpose.
Includes some persuasive information with few facts.
Some of the information may not seem to fit.
Sources used appear unreliable.
0 points
The content lacks a clear point of view and logical sequence of information.
Includes little persuasive information and only one or two facts about the topic.
Information is incomplete, out of date and/or incorrect.
Sequencing of ideas is unclear.
3 points
The fonts are easy-to-read and point size varies appropriately for headings and text.
Use of italics, bold, and indentations enhances readability.
Text is appropriate in length for the target audience and to the point.
The background and colors enhance the readability of text.
2 points
Sometimes the fonts are easy-to-read, but in a few places the use of fonts, italics, bold, long paragraphs, color or busy background detracts and does not enhance readability.
1 point
Overall readability is difficult with lengthy paragraphs, too many different fonts, dark or busy background, overuse of bold or lack of appropriate indentations of text.
0 points
The text is extremely difficult to read with long blocks of text and small point size of fonts, inappropriate contrasting colors, poor use of headings, subheadings, indentations, or bold formatting.
3 points
The layout is visually pleasing and contributes to the overall message with appropriate use of headings, subheadings and white space.
2 points
The layout uses horizontal and vertical white space appropriately.
1 point
The layout shows some structure, but appears cluttered and busy or distracting with large gaps of white space or uses a distracting background.
0 points
The layout is cluttered, confusing, and does not use spacing, headings and subheadings to enhance the readability.
3 point
Sources of information are properly cited and the audience can determine the credibility and authority of the information presented.
All sources of information are clearly identified and credited using appropriate citation format.
2 points
Most sources of information use proper citation format, and sources are documented to make it possible to check on the accuracy of information.
1 point
Sometimes copyright guidelines are followed and some information, photos and graphics do not include proper citation format.
0 points
No way to check validity of information.
Graphics, Sound and/or Animation
3 points
The graphics, sound and/or animation assist in presenting an overall theme and enhance understanding of concept, ideas and relationships.
Original images are created using proper size and resolution, and all images enhance the content.
There is a consistent visual theme.
2 points
The graphics, sound/and or animation visually depict material and assist the audience in understanding the flow of information or content.
Original images are used.
Images are proper size, resolution.
1 point
Some of the graphics, sounds, and/or animations seem unrelated to the topic/theme and do not enhance the overall concepts.
Most images are clip art or recycled from the internet.
Images are too large/small in size.
Images are poorly cropped or the color/resolution is fuzzy.
0 points
The graphics, sounds, and/or animations are unrelated to the content.
Graphics do not enhance understanding of the content, or are distracting decorations that create a busy feeling and detract from the content.
Writing Mechanics
3 points
The text is written with no errors in grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.
2 points
The text is clearly written with little or no editing required for grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
1 point
Spelling, punctuation, and grammar errors distract or impair readability.
(3 or more errors)
0 points
Errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, usage and grammar repeatedly distract the reader and major editing and revision is required.
(more than 5 errors)
 ___ /27
* Primary sources can include original letters and diaries, personal observations, interviews, first-hand accounts, newspaper articles, magazine articles, journal articles, Web pages, audio recordings, video productions and photography.

  Presenting a Powerpoint  Rubric
Evaluating Student Presentations
Developed by Information Technology Evaluation Services, NC Department of Public Instruction
Audience cannot understand presentation because there is no sequence of information.
Audience has difficulty following presentation because student jumps around.
Student presents information in logical sequence which audience can follow.
Student presents information in logical, interesting sequence which audience can follow.
Subject Knowledge
Student does not have grasp of information; student cannot answer questions about subject.
Student is uncomfortable with information and is able to answer only rudimentary questions.
Student is at ease with expected answers to all questions, but fails to elaborate.
Student demonstrates full knowledge (more than required) by answering all class questions with explanations and elaboration.
Student uses superfluous graphics or no graphics
Student occasionally uses graphics that rarely support text and presentation.
Student's graphics relate to text and presentation.
Student's graphics explain and reinforce screen text and presentation.
Student's presentation has four or more spelling errors and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has three misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no more than two misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
Presentation has no misspellings or grammatical errors.
Eye Contact
Student reads all of report with no eye contact.
Student occasionally uses eye contact, but still reads most of report.
Student maintains eye contact most of the time but frequently returns to notes.
Student maintains eye contact with audience, seldom returning to notes.
Student mumbles, incorrectly pronounces terms, and speaks too quietly for students in the back of class to hear.
Student's voice is low. Student incorrectly pronounces terms. Audience members have difficulty hearing presentation.
Student's voice is clear. Student pronounces most words correctly. Most audience members can hear presentation.
Student uses a clear voice and correct, precise pronunciation of terms so that all audience members can hear presentation.
Total Points:


Arrangement of Concepts
Main concept easily identified; subconcepts branch appropriately from main idea
Main concept easily identified; most subconcepts branch from main idea.
Main concept not clearly identified; subconcepts don’t consistently branch from main idea.
Links and Linking Lines
Linking lines connect related terms/point in correct direction; linking words accurately describe relationship between concepts; hyperlinks effectively used
Most linking lines connect properly; most linking words accurately describe the relationship between concepts; most hyperlinks effectively used.
Linking lines not always pointing in correct direction; linking words don’t clarify relationships between concepts; hyperlinks don’t function or fail to enhance the topic.
Graphics used appropriately; greatly enhance the topic and aid in comprehension; are clear, crisp and well situated on the page.
Graphics used appropriately most of the time; most graphics selected enhance the topic, are of good quality, and are situated in logical places on the page.
Graphics used inappropriately and excessively; graphics poorly selected and don’t enhance the topic; some graphics are blurry and ill-placed.
Reflects essential information; is logically arranged; concepts succinctly presented; no misspellings or grammatical errors
Reflects most of the essential information; is generally logically arranged; concepts presented without too many excess words; fewer than three misspellings or grammatical errors.
Contains extraneous information; is not logically arranged; contains numerous spelling and grammatical errors.
Easy to read/ appropriately sized; no more than three different fonts; amount of text is appropriate for intended audience; boldface used for emphasis.
Most text is easy to read; uses no more than four different fonts; amount of text generally fits intended audience.
Font too small to read easily; more than four different fonts used; text amount is excessive for intended audience.
Clean design; high visual appeal; four or fewer symbol shapes; fits page without a lot of scrolling; color used effectively for emphasis.
Design is fairly clean, with a few exceptions; diagram has visual appeal; four or fewer symbol shapes; fits page well; uses color effectively most of time.
Cluttered design; low in visual appeal; requires a lot of scrolling to view entire diagram; choice of colors lacks visual appeal and impedes comprehension.


  1. it's nice the every teacher have the rubrics and it's the basis of the performances of the the students don't need to complain about their grades......

  2. this is Raisa Jawari Filipino 2A
    it is the effective use of technology in teaching.

  3. Maam Im jeseica B. Ramirez FIL 2 A

    What is Educational Technology for me?
    >Educational Technology it is study practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating,using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. and its aim is to improve individual performances and in education, but its not only improving performances but it is also one of the tool in education. and educational technology is effective because, it will encourage individual to be more interesting in this kind of technology and increases the knowledge of individual about this. and its also a big impact for individual to concentrate and have interest on this educational technology.

  4. Ma'am I'm Leonila M. Wahing FIL 2 A

    What is Educational Technology ?

    For me ma'am Educational Technology its aims to improve education technolgy ,should facilitate learning processes and increase performance of the educational system.and its also representing learner's, ideas understanding,beliefs and increases the knowledge of individual about this.

  5. Ma'am I'm Danica Jean Bendijo Filipino II-A

    What is Educational Technology?

    Educational Technology is a Practice to everyone as a future educator it is a tool that everyone can do in a activity by using MS Excel, Power Point,MS word and etc. it is very helpful to us, as an future educator because it can help us to improve our teaching techniques, and also this is a very important tool as an future educator because this kind of tool is very interesting to the learners it can get their attention and interest about what we are teaching to them and i think this is an effective techniques now a days.

  6. Ma'am I'm Ronelyn Amorin Filipino II-A

    What is Educational Technology?

    Educational technology is the new technique of the teachers to make them easier to teach there students because most students can easily identify and understand through pictures and videos than reading. Through educational technology by using computer, projector and television (e.g educational channel), students can easily participate and understand the given tasks.


    Good afternoon ma'am ;)
    What is educational technology?

    For my own understanding educational technology is the study on how to improve or to master technology , educational technology can be applied to school and in the future.As time goes by "the world is moving towards technology" so as a future teacher we need to add our knowledge on how to use technology, because it will be used in every aspect of professional lives.


    What is educational technology?

    For me educational technology is the study of technologies which is the process in facilitating the learners to enhance their performances in using different kinds of technologies.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The advent of educational technology marks a milestone in educational career. With this new form of teaching strategy it elevates the quality of knowledge needed to be passed on to the students. It make used of the existing technological approach like the media, the internet and the likes so as to effectively inculcate in the students minds the necessary knowlegde. It has a great used nowadays since we are now termed as computer era. It is effective to the extent that almost everyone clings most oftenly to present learning technologies. Indeed, educational technology will probably improve the performance of the students as well as their skills will be more enhance and develop so that they can cope with the fast-changing milieu.

    Reziel R. Butlig
    II - A

  11. Georelen C. Bilar BSED-ALS 2-A

    What is Educational Technology?

    Ans: for me, Educational Technology is a tool or a study of making things easier in order to facilitate the learners by creating, using,and managing appropriate technology. It's also help us to process and solve problems.

  12. Hi maam!

    I'm Henry john perez from BSED TLE II-A

    “Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.”

    —Definition and Terminology Committee of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary

    Godbless <3

  13. Hi maam!

    I'm Henry john perez from BSED TLE II-A

    “Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using, and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.”

    —Definition and Terminology Committee of the Association for Educational Communications and Technology, Educational Technology: A Definition with Commentary

    Godbless <3

  14. Educational technology is a field of study that investigates the process of analyzing, designing, developing, implementing, and evaluating the instructional environment and learning materials in order to improve teaching and learning. Students can learn useful life skills through technology. Modern learning is about collaborating with others, solving complex problems, critical thinking, developing different forms of communication and leadership skills, and improving motivation and productivity. Technology has the ability to enhance relationships between teachers and students. When teachers effectively integrate technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.


  15. What is Educational Technology?

    Educational Technology for me is a tool for learning which facilitates the learners using technology IM's. The easier to monitor how or what are the learner's performance is doing with improving performance by creating,using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources. This is where the learners brings the new generation with a great change and impact in the society.


  16. What is Educational Technology?

    Educational technology is a term used to describe a wide variety of software and hardware associated with teaching and learning that is increasingly used in college and university classrooms. Educational technology, also referred to as Ed Tech, has the ultimate purpose of enabling an enhanced learning environment, which in turn is intended to enhance student performance.

    Rebollos, Bryan L.
    BSed MATH II-A

  17. What is Educational Technology?

    Educational technology (commonly abbreviated as EduTech, or EdTech) is the combined use of computer hardware, software, and educational theory and practice to facilitate learning.When referred to with its abbreviation, EdTech, it is often referring to the industry of companies that create educational technology.educational technology as "the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources".] It denoted instructional technology as "the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning".As such, educational technology refers to all valid and reliable applied education sciences, such as equipment, as well as processes and procedures that are derived from scientific research, and in a given context may refer to theoretical, algorithmic or heuristic processes: it does not necessarily imply physical technology. Educational technology is the process of integrating technology into education in a positive manner that promotes a more diverse learning environment and a way for students to learn how to use technology as well as their common assignments.

    Balase, Baby Joy A.

  18. What is Educational Technology

    Educational technology this is a term used to describe a wide array of teaching-and-learning–related software and hardware that’s increasingly being used in college and university classrooms. The ultimate goal of educational technology, also referred to as Ed Tech, is to enable an improved learning environment, which in turn is meant to boost student outcomes. It has also been proven to increase student engagement and participation in class. Educational technology also refers to technology that usually helps facilitate collaboration in an active learning environment. By using educational technology, educators can create digital, interactive textbooks, gamify lessons, take attendance, assign homework, hold quizzes and tests and get real time results related to teaching material, style and format. Educational technology is disrupting traditional education and teaching methods by offering both teachers and students the ability to learn in an environment that makes use of now-common devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets.

    Dumanda Christine-May S.

  19. Educational technology is a systematic application of relevant technological processes and resources in teaching, with a goal to improve students’ performance. It involves a disciplined approach to identifying the needs of students, applying technology in instructions, and tracking their performance.Relevant technological processes and resources. This means that the processes and resources must be relevant to the curriculum goals and milestones. EdTech also has a purpose: to improve the performance of the students. Every tool and method that’s being introduced in the classroom should be driven by that goal.

    Dagalea,Mary Claire A.

  20. Educational technology refers to technology that usually helps facilitate collaboration in an active learning environment. The ultimate goal of educational technology, also referred to as Ed Tech, is to enable an improved learning environment, which in turn is meant to boost student outcomes. It has also been proven to increase student engagement and participation in class.


  21. Educational technology refers to technology that usually helps facilitate collaboration in an active learning environment. By using educational technology, educators can create digital, interactive textbooks, gamify lessons, take attendance, assign homework, hold quizzes and tests and get real time results related to teaching material, style and format. Educational technology is disrupting traditional education and teaching methods by offering both teachers and students the ability to learn in an environment that makes use of now-common devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets.

    Ortoste,Lizel C.

  22. Educational technology is a term used to describe a wide array of teaching-and-learning–related software and hardware that's increasingly being used in college and university classrooms. ... Educational technology refers to technology that usually helps facilitate collaboration in an active learning environment.

  23. What is Educational technology?

    Educational technology is the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources.

    Banez, Angelica A.

  24. ducational technology refers to technology that usually helps facilitate collaboration in an active learning environment. By using educational technology, educators can create digital, interactive textbooks, gamify lessons, take attendance, assign homework, hold quizzes and tests and get real time results related to teaching material, style and format. Educational technology is disrupting traditional education and teaching methods by offering both teachers and students the ability to learn in an environment that makes use of now-common devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets.

    Ramillano, Iris B.

  25. What is Educational Technology?

    Educational technology is a modern way of acquiring knowledge through the use of educational medium for the betterment of our learning and improve our educational standards . It can simplify and make our lives more easier and faster. Educational technology refers to all the processes and systems of learning that can develop our human capabilities to learn by using it our daily lives.

    Barredo, Marivic G.

  26. Educational technology refers to technology that usually helps facilitate collaboration in an active learning environment. By using educational technology, educators can create digital, interactive textbooks, gamify lessons, take attendance, assign homework, hold quizzes and tests and get real time results related to teaching material, style and format. Educational technology is disrupting traditional education and teaching methods by offering both teachers and students the ability to learn in an environment that makes use of now-common devices such as smartphones, laptops and tablets.

  27. Rubrics are most often used to grade written assignments, but they have many other uses: They can be used for oral presentations. They are a great tool to evaluate teamwork and individual contribution to group tasks. Rubrics facilitate peer-review by setting evaluation standards.


  28. Educational technology is a term used to describe a wide array of teaching-and-learning–related software and hardware that's increasingly being used in college and university classrooms.

    Mostero, Vianca Claire D.

  29. Educational technology as "the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological processes and resources".[5] It denoted instructional technology as "the theory and practice of design, development, utilization, management, and evaluation of processes and resources for learning".[6][7][8] As such, educational technology refers to all valid and reliable applied education sciences, such as equipment, as well as processes and procedures that are derived from scientific research, and in a given context may refer to theoretical, algorithmic or heuristic processes: it does not necessarily imply physical technology. Educational technology is the process of integrating technology into education in a positive manner that promotes a more diverse learning environment and a way for students to learn how to use technology as well as their common assignments.

    IBRAHIM, Habiba A.

  30. The Educational Technology it help to prepare teachers for all different grade levels with skills, concepts and understanding among other skills to integrate technology in their lessons to enhance learning as well as to make learning more effective.

  31. The Educational Technology it help to prepare teachers for all different grade levels with skills, concepts and understanding among other skills to integrate technology in their lessons to enhance learning as well as to make learning more effective.
