Monday, October 7, 2013

Blooms Taxonomy

For a teacher specially those who are implementing an Outcome Based Objective  (OBE) type of teaching/learning, Bloom's Taxonomy is very imperative in preparing class lessons, test questions, class activities, etc.Teachers want to insure that their lessons are varied and that they encourage thinking at different levels of the taxonomy- ranging from recitation and labeling to reconstructing and summarizing.

What is Bloom's Taxonomy?

  1. Bloom's taxonomy is a classification of learning objectives within education proposed in 1956 by a committee of educators chaired by Benjamin Bloom, who also edited the first volume of the standard text, Taxonomy of educational objectives: the classification of educational goals. ...

Our education systems often describe the outcomes they expect from students as knowledge, skills and attitudes – KSAs.  Knowledge refers to mental skills or the cognitive domain of learning.  Skills refers to the psychomotor or manual skills that need to be developed by school aged members of society.  Attitudes are the growth in affective or emotional areas. 
The tables below show how Blooms Taxonomy can be applied:

Table 1: Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives for Knowledge-Based Goals
1. KNOWLEDGERecall, or recognition of terms, ideas, procedure, theories, etc.When is the first day of Spring?
2. COMPREHENSIONTranslate, interpret, extrapolate, but not see full implications or transfer to other situations, closer to literal translation.What does the summer solstice represent?
3. APPLICATIONApply abstractions, general principles, or methods to specific concrete situations.What would Earth's seasons be like if its orbit was perfectly circular?
4. ANALYSISSeparation of a complex idea into its constituent parts and an understanding of organization and relationship between the parts. Includes realizing the distinction between hypothesis and fact as well as between relevant and extraneous variables.Why are seasons reversed in the southern hemisphere?
5. SYNTHESISCreative, mental construction of ideas and concepts from multiple sources to form complex ideas into a new, integrated, and meaningful pattern subject to given constraints.If the longest day of the year is in June, why is the northern hemisphere hottest in August?
6. EVALUATIONTo make a judgment of ideas or methods using external evidence or self-selected criteria substantiated by observations or informed rationalizations.What would be the important variables for predicting seasons on a newly discovered planet?

Table 2: Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives for Skills-Based Goals
PERCEPTIONUses sensory cues to guide actionsSome of the colored samples you see will need dilution before you take their spectra. Using only observation, how will you decide which solutions might need to be diluted?
SETDemonstrates a readiness to take action to perform the task or objectiveDescribe how you would go about taking the absorbance spectra of a sample of pigments?
GUIDED RESPONSEKnows steps required to complete the task or objectiveDetermine the density of a group of sample metals with regular and irregular shapes.
MECHANISMPerforms task or objective in a somewhat confident, proficient, and habitual mannerUsing the procedure described below, determine the quantity of copper in your unknown ore. Report its mean value and standard deviation.
COMPLEX OVERT RESPONSEPerforms task or objective in a confident, proficient, and habitual mannerUse titration to determine the Ka for an unknown weak acid.
ADAPTATIONPerforms task or objective as above, but can also modify actions to account for new or problematic situationsYou are performing titrations on a series of unknown acids and find a variety of problems with the resulting curves, e.g., only 3.0 ml of base is required for one acid while 75.0 ml is required in another. What can you do to get valid data for all the unknown acids?
ORGANIZATIONCreates new tasks or objectives incorporating learned onesRecall your plating and etching experiences with an aluminum substrate. Choose a different metal substrate and design a process to plate, mask, and etch so that a pattern of 4 different metals is created.

Table 3: Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives for Affective Goals
RECEIVINGDemonstrates a willingness to participate in the activityWhen I'm in class I am attentive to the instructor, take notes, etc. I do not read the newspaper instead.
RESPONDINGShows interest in the objects, phenomena, or activity by seeking it out or pursuing it for pleasureI complete my homework and participate in class discussions.
VALUINGInternalizes an appreciation for (values) the objectives, phenomena, or activityI seek out information in popular media related to my class.
ORGANIZATIONBegins to compare different values, and resolves conflicts between them to form an internally consistent system of valuesSome of the ideas I've learned in my class differ from my previous beliefs. How do I resolve this?
CHARACTERIZATION BY A VALUE OR VALUE COMPLEXAdopts a long-term value system that is "pervasive, consistent, and predictable"I've decided to take my family on a vacation to visit some of the places I learned about in my class.


  1. in site , blooms taxonomy well explain

  2. this is all about OBE or outcome based education,, it measure the knowledge of the student in class... in short the blooms taxonomy is very imperative

  3. i really have more idea on about blooms taxonomy and i really hope it will help my co students too.

  4. maam its me mark kenneth s. decial bsed filipino 2B

  5. i really appreciate your blog ma'am:) big help talaga ito sa amin mga studyante.
