Educ Tech 2

Course Code: PED 7
Course Title: Educational Technology II
 Contact Hours: 54 Hours
 Credit Units: 3 Units
 Pre-requisite: Educational Technology I

 Course Description:

      The subject “Educational Technology II” is a three (3) unit course designed to introduce both traditional and innovative technologies to facilitate and foster meaning ful and effective learning. Students are expected to demonstrate a sound understanding of the nature, application and production of the various types of educational technologies.

     This course will likewise focus both on developing teacher support materials and the production of technology-based student outputs.

     The subject further provides learning experiences through creating teaching/visual aids that will help develop the learning clients’ teaching competence.

     Moreover, this course is designed to prepare the students in the selection, development, organization, and effective use of instructional materials. It involves the study of types, values, limitations and sources of instruction sheets and other teaching aids.

  Course Objectives:

To lend familiarization on how educational technology can be utilized as the media for the avenues teaching-learning process in the school. To impart skills in planning, designing, using, and evaluating the technology-enriched teaching and learning process. To provide education in the use of technology in instruction by providing knowledge and skills on technology integration-in-instruction to learners. To impart learning experiences in instructional technology-supported instructional planning. To acquaint students on information technology or IT-related learning theories with the computer as a tutor. To engage learners on practical technology integration issues including IT classrooms, use of the internet for learning, cooperative learning through the use of information technology.

  Course Requirements:
Written reports Research papers MS Office Outputs Teaching demonstration E-portfolio Instructional Video
 Teaching Strategies:
Lecture / discussion Cybernetics sessions Group discussion Film showing
Course Content:                                                                             Contact Hours

     Chapter I: Background, Information and Overview: ……………….6 hrs

               1.1.        A Review of Educational Technology 1
               1.2.        An Overview of Educational Technology 2
               1.3.        Educational Technology in the Asia Pacific Region

     Chapter II: Inclinations to Educational Technology …………………3 hrs

               2.1. Basic Concepts on Integrating Technology in Instruction
               2.2. State-of-the-Art ET Application Practices

     Chapter III: The Role of IT in Educational Technology……………..3 hrs
               3.1. IT Enters A New Learning Environment
               3.2. IT for Higher Thinking Skills and Creativity
               3.3. Higher Thinking Skills Through IT-Based Projects

     Chapter IV: Computers as the Third Revolution in Education …..3 hrs

               4.1. Computers as Information and Communication Technology
               4.2. The Computers as a Tutor
               4.3. The Computer as the Teacher’s Tool

     Chapter V: Use of Technology in Teaching-Learning Process ..…9 hrs

               5.1. Information Technology in Support of Student-Centered Learning
               5.2. Cooperative Learning with the Computer
               5.3. The Software as an Educational Resource
               5.4. Understanding Hypermedia
               5.5. The Internet and Education

     Chapter VI: Application/Softwares Commonly Used in Education
                        / Hands-on Activities …………………….……………….......….15 hrs

              6.1. MS Office Applications
                      6.1.1. MS Word Basics
                      6.1.2  MS Powerpoint Basics
                      6.1.3. MS Excel Basics
              6.2. Adobe Photoshop Basics
              6.3. Windows Movie Maker Basics

Values Integration:

 Students will be able to appreciate the concept and nature of “Educational Technology” for future application; acquire the necessary background on how to make teaching devices integrated with technology and based on proper classifications and identifications; and apply the skills in constructing instructional materials in teaching.

Evaluative Measures:

Observations: Classroom observations are designed to provide an opportunity to observe the students in different educational settings.

Internet Exchanges: Students will pass through email their assigned task and will take note of the comments of the teacher. For discussion and interaction log on to and via comments on this blogsite for every topic discussed.

Portfolio: Students will pass a portfolio that includes the prescribed requirements in the course. This would include the repertoire of teaching materials, journal entries, research outputs, internet exchanges, enrichment of the topics discussed.

Oral/Written Presentation: Students will be asked to lead the class discussion on one of the course topics. The assignments are designed to develop students become "expert" on a concept or strategy and present it to the class in a manner that encourages thoughtful discussion. After the completion of the presentation, students will need to submit 1) a reflection on your learning from the assignment and the ways in which these learning will be important in your teaching ( Deposits and Dividends which will be part of your Portfolio) and 2) an in-depth written discussion of the topic posted on your blog site.

Attendance/Participation: Students are required to participate in class discussion and share expectations regarding assignments.

Major Examinations: Students must take and pass the major examination. Passing percentage is 75% of the total items.

BLOG: Students will continue on posting in their blog site that would serve as their e-portfolio which would include the discussion of the summarized content of the topic, their reflection, experience and the application.

Grading System:

Group Presentation and Activities10%
Blog and e-Portfolio 20%,
MS Word, Powerpoint, Excel, Photoshop and movie maker output  20%
Development of Instructional Materials/software / and Demonstration 20%
Major exam 30%
TOTAL 100%


   Paz I. Lucido, Educational Technology 1, Philippines, Q.C., 2008  
   Paz I. Lucido, Educational Technology 2, Philippines, Manila, 2007
   Brenda B. Corpuz, Principles of Teaching 1, Philippines, Quezon City, 2007
  Gloria G. Salandanan , Principles and Strategies of Teaching, Phil., Q. C., 2007


  1. Educational technology is used computer to process data and solve problems in many areas including business,mathematics,chemistry and other hard problems.

  2. Based on my own understanding, educational technology is helping us to process for analyzing, understanding,techniques , to know better about how to use the technology in proper way by creating. Educational technology may help us to learn more the things that we didn't know yet. Because educational technology is one of the most important in our life to improve our knowledge and also improving our performance by creating.


  3. Based on my own understanding, educational technology is one of the tools in learning like for example, machines, networking hardware or software, cellphone and and so on, as we are getting information on what happens in our environment and it can also help us on improve our knowledge on finding more definition of the fundamental issues of learning. In other words, educational technology is every helpful in learning many things.

  4. So in my own words, Educational Technology is a wide field. Either as a design of science or a collection of different research addressing fundamental issues of learning, teaching and social organization where it is a learning concepts.

  5. Based on my own understanding, educational technology is one of the tool that help us learners in our studies. specially in terms of resources of is a practice of facilitating learning and improving our performance by creating and using appropriate technological processes and resources. it is important for us student because it helps us widen our knowledge.

  6. Good day ma'am I'm Elimar Del Rosario from TLE 2A. for me Educational Technology is one of the most important tool specially to students like us, technology makes our work fast and easy..

  7. Good Evening Ma'am. I'm Trisha Li Javier BSED- TLE 2B

    >For me Educational Technology is a process, techniques or procedure which facilitating students to their learning to improve or enhance their performance by creating and managing appropriate through using Technological Tools and by the help of technology it makes our life easier to do whatever task we have.

  8. Based on my own perception Ed.Tech is a tool that helps us especially the 21st century learner to be equipped in using technology. Since we are in the digital world this Ed.Tech will give us what we really need in this kind of world.

  9. Educational technology is a term used to describe a wide array of teaching-and-learning–related software and hardware that's increasingly being used in college and university classrooms. Educational technology refers to technology that usually helps facilitate collaboration in an active learning environment. Technology can enhance relationships between teachers and students. It is important to acknowledge that students are already interested and engaged in using technology, the effective use of digital learning tools in classrooms can increase student engagement, help teachers improve their lesson plans, and facilitate personalized learning, when teachers effectively, this creates many amazing opportunities for schools and teachers to benefit from integrating technology into subject areas, teachers grow into roles of adviser, content expert, and coach, and to make teaching and learning more effective. It also helps students build essential 21st-century skills. Technology helps make teaching and learning more meaningful and fun.
