Saturday, October 5, 2013

Demonstration boards ( Chalkboards, Whiteboards, peg boards )

Demonstration boards (Chalkboards, whiteboards, peg boards )

Non-projected materials such as charts, graphs, or posters have to be displayed. This can be done in several ways ranging from simply holding a single visual in your hand to using exhibiting props for more display.

Useful in classes and lectures are non-projected materials to include chalk boards, peg boards, bulletin boards, cloth boards, and magnetic boards. Exhibits may include models and realia. To display, consider your audience, the nature of your visuals, the communication/instructional setting, your lesson/communication objectives, and the availability of the various display formats or display surfaces.

Description of Terms

1.) Chalk boards - once called blackboards, they now come in a variety of colors. On them can be drawn units to adjuncts to your message.
2.) Multipurpose boards - these are boards which can be useful for many purposes. They are also called "visual aid panels" and may have steel backing for magnetic display of visuals. Non-glare surfaces can also be used to project films, slides overhead transparencies.
3.) Pegboards - useful for displaying heavy objects, such as 3-dimensional materials and visuals. Metal hooks can be inserted into the pegboard to hold books, papers and other objects.
4.) Bulletin board displays - boards for posting bulletins or brief news announcements of urgent interest. The decorative bulletin board can lend visual stimulation.
5.) Cloth boards - flannel, felt or hook-and-loof materials can be stretched over a sturdy backing, such as plywood.
6.) Magnetic boards - visual, such as plastic lettering, are backed with magnets and placed on the metal surface of the board.
7.) Flip Charts - a pad of large-sized paper is fastened and mounted on a wooden or metal easel.

I. Tips for effective use of chalk boards:
- Face class/audience when talking. Do not talk to the board; Do not turn your back to the class any more than absolutely necessary.
- Print, rather than use script. Size of letters should be legible to students at the back of the class.
- Hold chalk so that it does not make scratching noise.
- Use colored chalk for emphasis.
- Do not stand in front of what you wrote.
- Put extensive writing/drawing before class/session.
II. Tips for bulletin board displays
- Generate a theme and adopt it as a headline.
- Wording should be simple and according to viewer's language.
- Gather or produce materials such as photos.
- Select a background material (cloth, aluminum foil, colored paper)
- Lines can be made from ribbons, yarn, string wire, or paper strips.
- Letters can be freehand drawn from lettering guide, cut from construction paper.
- Appraise display from a technical standpoint.

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