Saturday, October 5, 2013

Is Technology a Boone or a Bane

Technology: Is it a Curse or a Blessing?

Definitely Technology have somehow touched the lives of people from the poorest to the richest. It has changed our lifestyle. Many things have become easy. Technology is being used everywhere and in everything.  Therefore, it has changed our culture even up to how we think, what we do and how we perceive things as good or bad for us. Undoubtedly, technology development ( or as I see it “progress”) have helped human beings from the medical field ( new medicines and new instruments to treat sickness) to the food industry, the entertainment industry, etc.  But it is in the Education industry which has radically changed  in the past decade.  The introduction (or invasion) of the computers into the home and the classroom has changed the way we look at  teaching and learning
Many instructional tools, applications and instructional strategies have evolved due to the influence of technology. Several devices have been introduced like laptops and tablets. Each of them have their own versions with even more advanced apps. Such devices help us finish loads of work with ease, help us in our communication, gathering of information,  but using such devices  in fields of education might affect the habits of students.
Schools have started introducing the idea of using tablets for taking down notes, writing simple tests and completing their projects and using smartphones to poll and search for information. This gets the mind of a student completely in technology and they tend to forget the use of books. Earlier students did not have the idea of using internet to browse information about different topics and were dependent completely on books which resulted in a very good vocabulary, but students these days do not have much of a good vocabulary. Their attention span  and patience becomes shorter, and their social skills have been honed to using computers and social media but  they don’t know what to say and  gesture  when they come face to face or meet in person thus physical interaction have declined.
They start to expect everything just by a touch on the screen. The students finish their work just for the sake of it and actually don't show any interest in it. 
However, we know for a fact that technology also has many positive effects in terms of research, globalization, Interactive and Distance learning, etc.Thus, technology is BEST provided it is used in the right manner,in the right age, in the right field, and  in the right time.

What about YOU, how has technology affected your life? your learning? do you think technology is a boone or a bane?


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